Creator and Visionary of Your Business Wings
Bernice Schnick is an Inspired Identity Transformation Strategist, and Ready-Made Sales Generator, the principle of Your Business Wings an entrepreneurial business that serves heart-centred businesses, sales reps and their organizations as well as budding entrepreneurial minds.
She helps her clients wake up their resting potential, make an identity transformation which she calls their J connection, discover and share the intrinsic value they offer, allowing them to lead and grow their business with passion, purpose and a little Moxy ….ultimately unveiling their business wings and desired success.
As I embarked on my journey to become a small business owner, I too faced many challenges and struggled with that very same question… I want to help you and be part of your growth process…
Ever feel like you’re just trapped, perhaps going in circles, feeling like nothing exciting is happening for your business…or in your business?
You put in the long hours, a tremendous effort, you make the sacrifices, but nothing really changes for the business…the way you want?
You finally take two steps forward—Wow! ...then one step back. And ask yourself if it’s really worth it
…is there a better way?
Sitting and waiting and waiting and sitting, you have all kinds of ideas for your business, or just not enough. You have no real process or sense of order, you feel frustrated, your enthusiasm deflates, and slowly over time, your passion starts to fizzle out… Does it have to be that way?
Sound familiar? You, my friend, were just like me…a chaotic caterpillar sitting inside its cocoon wondering when it will happen for me?…when will I get my beautiful wings, success and freedom to fly?
Lucky for that caterpillar it has nature on its side to take care of that inevitable growth process, but for us, we are just not as fortunate… Do we just give up?
Starting and being involved in your own business should be an invigorating, life-changing experience just like it is for the caterpillar…But is it?
Ask yourself… am I waiting for change?… or am I prepared to change?
If we can only learn how to get excited again, how to experience again, how to envision and discover again.
What if you applied the right strategy, developed a bolder vision, created a real purpose for your business, discovered the intrinsic value you have to offer and found a process that works enough to stick with it? Then my friend, you have every chance to turn into a beautiful thriving business.
I learned to ask myself the tough core questions, I found the courage that lies in my soul, my passion was again ignited and I began to dream vivid dreams again about what I want to create for my business and I took the necessary action steps to make it happen!. But you really have to want this and go through the journey. If you don’t, you will just sit there in your cocoon and wait and wait.
Together we will go through your own Chaotic Caterpillar journey. Amazing insights will suddenly unfold, you will begin to realize your resting potential, call it forward and make an inspired identity transformation, allowing you and your business to reach a new INSTAR of success. You’re now finally on your way to being a new breed of successful business, in essence creating your business wings.
I know you can do this, it’s about time that you believed it too!
Just say YES, I am ready for my INSTAR journey to success
Your business growth is inevitable!
Bernice Schnick
Your Business Wings
I believe…I Envision…I Take flight